

Who are they?

Founded in 2000, WomensLaw provides plain-language legal information to victims of abuse and those who seek to help victims. WomensLaw works with attorneys to provide professionally written, easily accessible information on topics such as restraining orders, custody, gun laws, and civil procedures in all 50 states.  

Why do they need us?

  • WomensLaw’s site features many thousands of pages, covering topics such as restraining orders, custody, gun laws, and civil procedures. Since these laws vary in each state, they need a way to manage and present large amounts of content. We work closely with the WomensLaw team to present this information in as user-friendly a way as possible.

  • We have fully internationalized the site in both English and Spanish.

  • WomensLaw also runs a secure email hotline to help victims. Serving over 3,000 people annually, this tool allows volunteers to tap into the huge repository of information WomensLaw has developed so as to provide individualized support and information to women in crisis. We work regularly to improve the experience of the hotline for both users and staff.